It took so long to get you out of my mind,
I always staying away from you
but why I always hanging on to every words you say.
It was a great story that we ever revealed
in our life and you’ve been totally unpredictable.
I couldn’t even take a deep breath to realized
what has been possesed me
and you already there ruined my beyond ordinary life.
You’re the devil along my days,
so easy for me to say fuck off
in the time I give my hand to you to hold on.
And I am the devil for my own skin
I didn’t even know who I am
yet it made me want to scream so loud.

And that’s it,
I’ve been totally lost my control,
it just like yesterday still I remember
the echo when my hand hit the wall.
It didn’t hurt me at all not when you hurt yourself.
‘Coz the impact did made me hell of shock.
Thanks for myself to flinch from you anyway.

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