You came in the time when everything looks so gray
Bring the dreams in your mind, hope someday can build a new hope in the day
Telling a story of long life expectation, it’s all you can say
Fly the words that we have to hanging on to every word you say
No escape for us this time, only keep the mouth shut
Just like a hammer fly in our head, stuck
Blow the dreams want to fly away

Why do we still hear you speech?
We live here not just only hear and freeze
We want to feel of what you have bustle around, still your strings bridle the air in our bellies
Is this kind of your protection to hide you fear?
Just like a dark shadow, arise your tears
Are you afraid of your shape gone?, starting to sheer

We’re not blank white papers in lay
Need your precious ink to fill our future in front if you may
We are archer for ourselves, need an arrow that can accept all the circumstances
We want to have our own shadow beyond yours
Over the broken vow never cross our mind, still we will go forward
When are we gonna walk if it is not our legs that we can counted on?

Why do you have to shout loud? Seems for you we are afraid of our own life
We are aware in every condition, let us drift off in our path
Greeting the sorrow and touch the happiness, Cuz’ the wind cannot shatter us just like that
Isn’t that your teachings planted in our brain?

Look at us! We open our eyes
It just a little bit eyesores come along, nothing else
Look at us! We begin to reveal our steps
It just a little bit bruises in skin, nothing more
And would you please try to look at us!
We can feel how great the sense really is
And we will wait the moment, just for you to know
We will wait ‘till our shadow appears in your eyes
To open wide your heart and mind

*inspired to oldman, i shout loud through words.

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